PKP Cargo S.A., one of the largest rail freight operators in Europe, is undergoing restructuring and is openly violating laws, standards and rights protecting trade union activities in Poland.

According to the European Transport Workers’ Federation, PKP Cargo S.A. discriminates against members of the Solidarność trade union and unfairly dismisses them, including key representatives of the union in the railway sector. Among those dismissed are pregnant women, single parents (including those caring for disabled children), sole breadwinners and workers with pre-retirement protection.

Such actions not only violate the principles of social responsibility, but also constitute an inhumane and illegal attack on the most vulnerable and unprotected groups in society.

Today, 26 September, a demonstration will be held in Warsaw to defend the labour rights of railway workers. Meanwhile, the entire global transport community is supporting our Polish colleagues.

Everyone can support them. All you need to do is sign the petition of the European Transport Workers’ Federation.