«‘In my opinion, I was not unreasonably reprimanded and deprived of part of my bonus, what should I do?’»

«How are the tolls charged in shunting traffic?»

«It seems to me that this order violates my labour rights. Help me to understand»

«How is the salary of a mobilized railway worker paid?»

«Is it legitimate for me not to be granted a holiday because I have not yet worked 24 days this year?»

«If I plan to retire, what funds should I be paid?»

«I work in the territory of active hostilities. Are there any additional payments for this?»

These are just a few examples of the union members’ appeals to the online union reception, which our specialists have recently answered.

We remind you that this service is available to trade union members. You can use it to get advice on legal, socio-economic and labour issues, occupational safety, trade union work, etc. electronically. Explanations are provided by the specialists of the Trade Union Council.

Follow the link, register (filling in all the fields) and send your requests. Each appeal will be reviewed individually, and you will receive a detailed response, which will be sent to you by email. If we need to intervene, we will, including defending your interests in court.