Thermometers are at +30 degrees and above. It is time to remind railway workers about the peculiarities of remuneration of employees of JSC ‘Ukrzaliznytsia’ during particularly difficult weather conditions.

Annex 42 to the Regulation on Remuneration of Employees of JSC ‘Ukrzaliznytsia’ sets out the list of employees of regional branches and branches engaged in work directly related to train traffic and constantly performed outdoors. Clause 4.1 of the Regulations provides that the above categories of employees in particularly difficult meteorological conditions at an air temperature of plus 30 degrees and above are entitled to a supplement of 15% of the hourly wage rate, the official salary for the actual time worked in such conditions (including a 5% increase for working outdoors).

Please note that an additional payment of 15% of the hourly wage rate, salary for the actual time worked in such conditions may be established for other employees not specified in Annex 42 by a separate decision of the head of the regional branch, branch in agreement with the relevant trade union body.

The actual hours worked in such conditions are considered to be the hours of work from the time when, according to the certificate of the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Centre (road geophysical station of the regional branch, if possible), the specified temperature limits were reached or exceeded, and until the nearest time when the temperature corresponding to a value of up to plus 30 degrees was recorded. The above surcharge shall be made under 128 code of types of payments.

And the State Labour Service of Ukraine reminds of measures to prevent overheating at work in an infographic. Download and save

In case of violations to protect your rights, you can also contact the online reception of the trade union