In 2023 alone, the lawyers of the Trade Union Council’s staff filed 80 lawsuits regarding the failure of employers to pay health improvement benefits (they are in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions). More than 100 court hearings have already taken place in these cases. All our branches apply the same practice. And our trade union is expanding this activity.

We have established systematic work to support and accompany individual litigation.

How it happens:

The trade union receives the necessary documents from the employer through lawyers’ requests, our lawyers and heads of primary units draft claims and launch the case. Later, the lawyers of the Trade Union Council provide full support for the cases, provide the necessary consultations, prepare procedural documents, and participate in court hearings of all instances (first instance, appeal and cassation).

And this is our result-oriented, full-fledged strategy for protecting labour rights. Therefore, do not be misled by accusations from ANONYMOUS sources. Trust verified information.

Therefore, if you want to defend your rights in court, please contact the heads of primary trade union organisations or the Union Council. We would like to remind you that in 2023, we opened an online reception on the union’s website, where you can get professional advice on legal issues.