We continue to answer the most frequently asked questions about the use of the electronic application service ‘Online reception: financial assistance for pensioners’

Question 1. Is financial assistance for medical care for non-working railway pensioners provided only upon electronic application?

Electronic applications through the service are one of the ways to make a request and send a copy of the application (download the template on the website). As a result, you will receive the contact details of the chairperson of the primary, as well as the postal address to which you will need to send the full set of required documents, including the original application. For more information on which documents, see the information on the trade union’s website.

You can also physically come and apply to the head of the primary trade union organisation of the production unit at your last place of work. You will be provided with an application form and informed of the supporting documents to be attached.

Question 2. How much time should be expected from the moment when the primary documents are sent to the head of thecommunication or have you provided (physically) a complete set of documents?

We try to process your applications as soon as possible. The FULL set of supporting documents received from you, together with the original application, is immediately submitted by the chairman of the primary to the presidium of the relevant elected trade union body (Trade Union Council, road or joint trade union committee) for consideration. At their next meeting, a decision is made and the allocated funds are transferred to the card account you have indicated.

As for the processing of electronic appeals through the service, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine ‘On Citizens’ Appeals’, they are considered and resolved within the time limits set by the current legislation.

Question 3. If my children are helping me to apply for financial assistance, what bank card should I use to transfer funds?

The Trade Union of Railway Workers and Transport Builders of Ukraine is often approached by children of non-working retired railway workers who help their parents to apply for financial assistance for medical care. This issue is quite relevant.

In accordance with clause of the Procedure for providing targeted financial assistance to non-working railway pensioners for medical care, a non-working railway pensioner must provide bank details of a personal card account in the IBAN format.

That is, only a pensioner who needs this assistance.


We would like to remind you once again that the financial assistance is not transferred from trade union dues, but is targeted funding allocated by Ukrzaliznytsia to the Trade Union Council to provide targeted assistance to railway pensioners for medical care in accordance with the Joint Resolution of 14.08.2023 No. Ts-1-96/1/Цпроф54-23.