Dear friends, young railway workers, activists of the trade union’s youth movement!
Youth Day is a celebration of energy, inspiration and inexhaustible optimism. This is your day! You are our future, you are shaping the future of the railway industry and our country, introducing new ideas and solving complex problems. You refuse to put up with what has been put up with before you, you see the need for change and development.
У цей непростий час ваша сміливість, активність і патріотизм надихають і дають надію на краще майбутнє. Нехай ваша віра у власні сили, прагнення до змін та вміння мріяти допомагають вам досягати висот у всіх сферах життя.
I wish you good health, unshakable faith, peace, new achievements and fulfilment of your wildest dreams. May your youth be filled with happy moments, friendship and love!
Chairman of the Trade Union of Railway and Transport Builders of Ukraine
Oleksiy Semerun’