The Trade Union of Railway and Transport Builders of Ukraine warns and provides the following recommendations to employees who are going to agree to receive part of the financial assistance for health improvement, determined by the decision of the Board of JSC ‘Ukrzaliznytsia’ dated 27.06.2024 No. Ts-82/39 Kom.t, which was not agreed with the trade union.

1.При написанні заяв про надання матеріальної допомоги на оздоровлення НЕ ВКАЗУЙТЕ відсоток місячної тарифної ставки (посадового окладу), встановлений зазначеним вище рішенням правління (!) і НЕ РОБІТЬ ПОСИЛАННЯ на це рішення правління (!)

If the application indicates 30% of the monthly tariff rate (salary) or a reference to this decision of the Management Board, you will effectively deprive yourself of the right to receive the remaining part of the amount, which will remain unpaid.

Please note that the decision of the Management Board of JSC ‘Ukrzaliznytsia’ does not specify how and when the employees will be paid the difference between the amount stipulated by the relevant collective agreements and the relevant decision of the Management Board.

2. If the employer’s service (department) refuses to accept the application WITHOUT specifying the percentage or referring to the decision of the Board of JSC ‘Ukrzaliznytsia’ dated 27.06.2024 No. Ts-82/39 Com.t., we recommend that you send such applications to the same employer’s services (departments) by post (registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt). That is, with the obligatory recording of this statement.

The heads of trade unions at various levels should additionally inform all trade union members who wish to receive part of the financial assistance for health improvement.