Signatures are being collected for a petition to the Verkhovna Rada demanding the repeal of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine ‘On the Organisation of Labour Relations under Martial Law’ No. 2136-IX of 15.03.2022.
Cancellation of this article will deprive employers of the ability to unilaterally suspend any provisions of a collective agreement.
How to sign a petition?
For those who are already registered on the Verkhovna Rada petition website
- мOn the page
https://itd.rada.gov.ua/services/Account/LogOn enter your email address and password (or click ‘Login’ in the right corner of the petition page). If you do not remember your password, click the ‘Forgot your password?’ button and you will receive a new one by email. - On the tab ‘Signatures are being collected’ or by searching for the petition ‘Amendments to Law 2136 “On the Organisation of Labour Relations under Martial Law”, open it and click “Sign” under the chart with the number of signatures.
- Log in to your email, open the email from the petition service and click ‘Confirm petition signature’.
Your vote has been counted!
If you have any problems
The most common problem when signing a petition is the loss of access to the email address used for registration on the Verkhovna Rada’s petition website. To resolve this issue, please contact the website’s technical support at support@rada.gov.ua.
You can read that text:
‘Good afternoon! I, ‘Name, Patronymic’, have lost access to the email address I used to register in the Electronic Citizen’s Office on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. My phone number (please provide the phone number specified during registration), new email (please provide a valid email address). Please help me to restore access to the Electronic Cabinet’.
We will help you change your email address.
If you are not yet registered on the Verkhovna Rada’s petition website, please register using the instructions at https://itd.rada.gov.ua/idsrv/docs/registrationInstruction.pdf.