An important step in preparing students for real work on the railway: Yuriy Vereshchaka, chairman of the youth council of the Southern Railway trade union and an electric locomotive driver, held an online presentation for students of Kharkiv Professional College of Transport Technologies who are doing their internship at the regional branch.
The event consisted of two parts. During the first one, Yuriy spoke about the organisation of the depot, repair and maintenance shop on the example of the Kharkiv-Holovne electric locomotive depot, and the second one was dedicated to the practical aspects of work in the specialities that the event participants – future rolling stock repairmen and driver assistants – are studying.

‘Communication between students and railway employees, firstly, gives students the opportunity to gain experience that complements the theoretical knowledge gained in educational institutions. Secondly, railway employees can share real-life examples from their daily work, which helps students better understand the peculiarities and requirements of the profession. Such meetings facilitate professional mentoring and help young professionals define their career goals and ways to achieve them,’ says Yuriy.
‘Applicants have the opportunity to get answers from experienced professionals, which contributes to their professional growth and development. Such meetings help applicants build a network of contacts in the industry, which can be useful for their future employment,’ adds Andrii Granovskyi, a college lecturer who initiated the event.
And Yuriy is always ready to share his knowledge and advice with those who want to work on the railway. And invites you to communicate on its social media pages:
Instagram – @only_yurchik99
Facebook – Yuriy Vereshchak
Tick-tok –
By the way, we have already written about Yuriy’s interesting project, thanks to which he was able to help his colleagues at the depot:
А ще Юрій – один з призерів минулорічного фотоконкурсу профспілки.