The Joint Representative Body of Representative All-Ukrainian Trade Unions at the National Level (JRB of Trade Unions) is a representative body of the trade union side of social dialogue in relations with the executive authorities and employers.
It was created to develop a consolidated position and joint actions to participate in collective bargaining for the conclusion of the General Agreement, implement and monitor its implementation; representation and protection of the rights and interests of employees in the formation and implementation of state social and economic policy, regulation of labor, social and economic relations and ensuring an increase in the standard and quality of life of citizens, social stability in society. It also ensures that social dialogue activities are carried out at the national level and that trade unions are represented in international events.
The activities of the JRB of Trade Unions are carried out in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, International Labor Organization Conventions Nos. 98, 144, 154, and the laws of Ukraine “On Collective Bargaining and Agreements”, “On Trade Unions, Their Rights and Guarantees of Activity”, “On Social Dialogue in Ukraine” and powers granted by the charters (regulations) of trade unions.
The agreement on the establishment of the of the Joint Representative Body of Representative All-Ukrainian Trade Union Associations at the national level was signed on September 8, 2017.
The staff of the JIC shall be formed in accordance with the quota established by the Agreement on the establishment of the JIC.
Our trade union in the JRB of Trade Unions is represented by its Chairman, Chairman of the Federation of Transport Workers’ Trade Unions of Ukraine O.A. Semerun.