On 14 August 2024, the reporting conference of the Znamenskaya Territorial Trade Union Organisation completed the reporting trade union campaign in the region. The report of the Znamenskyi Territorial Trade Union Committee for three years of work noted the complexity of the situation in which the trade union had to work during the reporting period and covered all the main aspects and areas of work of both the territorial trade union organisation and the Odesa Road Trade Union and the Trade Union Council as a whole.

‘To say that this period was and continues to be difficult is an understatement. At the beginning of the reporting period, we were still feeling the effects of the pandemic that gripped humanity, and on 24 February 2022, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine began. Martial law was declared in the country, which continues to this day. For these reasons, during the reporting period, it was impossible to work as usual for a long time, which affected the overall results,’ said Liudmyla Semynina, chairman of the trade union’s regional committee, during the report.

At the same time, the leading social protection specialist checked the correct recording of working hours and their payment, the correctness of salary calculation for the work performed in accordance with the work plans of the trade union committee and upon requests from trade union members. During the reporting period, over UAH 850 thousand of unpaid wages were returned to employees, and the rights of 517 trade union members were protected.
During the reporting period, the technical labour inspector conducted 86 inspections of the state of labour protection in the region’s divisions; identified 1826 violations of labour protection regulations; issued 86 submissions to the heads of structural divisions; in 40 cases, the operation of machines, mechanisms, equipment that do not meet the requirements of labour protection legislation was prohibited: during the operation of machine tools, during the operation of consumer electrical installations, etc.
In addition, the report highlighted changes in the organisational system of the trade union organisation, the main areas of work with young people, aspects of cooperation with the territorial veterans’ organisation, the results of the sports and fitness movement in the region, and the results of financial activities, including the scope of measures taken to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
At the end of her report, the head of the Znamenskaya trade union committee emphasised that despite the dark times, we need to unite as never before. She called for support for the petition of 5 August by Tetyana Verbovetska, head of the trade union of railway workers at Zaporizhzhia Railways, published on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, to repeal Article 11 of Law No. 2136-IX. She explained that this would help to cancel the employer’s ability to suspend, cancel, or terminate articles of collective agreements. She asked all those present, as well as their relatives, friends and acquaintances, to do so; and the leaders of primary trade union organisations to organise this work among the members of the trade union.

The conference was attended by Igor Solovyov, chairman of the Odesa Railway Trade Union, who highlighted the results of Odesa Railway’s work, the range of topical issues that are being resolved with the railway administration, and focused on the difficulties in resolving problematic issues at the level of Ukrzaliznytsia officials.
The delegates positively assessed the work of the elected body, highlighted the current issues and expressed their wishes to the higher bodies of the trade union to improve its work and increase its efficiency.